EEA and Norway Grants - news

Conference to promote Norway Funds 


Is it true that in the early history of the Earth, over 3.6 billion years ago, Antarctica, Greenland and Labrador formed a part of a single supercontinent? This theory is investigated by Prof. Monika Kusiak from the Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, author of the project “Poles together – missing links between Arctic and Antarctic early Earth records” funded under the GRIEG call. The project of Prof. Monika Kusiak will be presented at the conference to promote the Basic Research Programme on 17 June 2021. GRIEG, IdeaLab and POLS are calls launched under the Basic Research Programme funded from the EEA and Norway Grants. The Basic Research Programme is operated by the National Science Centre with the Research Council of Norway as a donor partner. Read more

Third additional ranking list in the POLS call


Three applicants decided not to have their projects funded under the POLS call and their decisions have been validated. As a consequence, the National Science Center started to finance projects on the waiting list. Another three projects on the waiting list received positive decisions. Read more

Second additional ranking list in the POLS call


Three applicants decided not to have their projects funded under the POLS call and their decisions have been validated. As a consequence, the National Science Center started to finance projects on the waiting list. Another three projects on the waiting list received positive decisions. Read more

Online workshop on Open Science


UEFISCDI, acting as Programme Operator for the Romanian Research Programme organises the online international workshop “Building Consistency for Open Science in Europe – rhetorics and practices”. The workshop will take place for 2 days, April 19-20.  The event is dedicated to researchers, funders, research administrators, knowledge transfer officers and research libraries and any other professionals interested in the topics discussed. For any additional information, please feel free to contact organisers at:

We encourage you to register for the workshops:

Additional ranking list in the POLS call


Three applicants decided not to have their projects funded under the POLS call and their decisions have been validated. As a consequence, the National Science Center started to finance projects on the waiting list. Four projects on the waiting list received positive decisions. Read more

The results of the POLS call to support research mobility


The results of the POLS call, co-funded from the Norway Grants, are now in. Foreign researchers will receive more than 30.5 million PLN in funding for research projects to be carried out in Polish research centres. Read more

POLS info chat


Join our info chat on 28 May 2020 at 12.00 (CEST) during which we will answer your questions on the POLS call. The chat will be held in English and will last for one hour. It will be open to all researchers concerned. You can join the chat by clicking on Read more

We now know the results of the GRIEG call for Polish-Norwegian research projects


The National Science Centre has concluded the GRIEG call co-funded from Norway grants. Over PLN 156 million will be awarded to Polish-Norwegian research teams to fund basic research. Read more

We now have the results of the IdeaLab call 


The National Science Centre (NCN) has published the results of the call for interdisciplinary ground-breaking research projects to be carried out by Polish researchers in collaboration with researchers from countries of the European Economic Area. Research teams will be provided with almost PLN 17.5 M for their research. Read more

Announcement of the POLS call


POLS is one of the three calls funded from the Norway Grants 2014–2021 under the “Research” Programme. The National Science Centre is the operator of the basic research part of the Programme. The objective of the POLS call is to promote researcher mobility; it is addressed at researchers arriving from all over the world who wish to carry out their research in Poland. A principal investigator must be at least a PhD holder who have not lived, worked, studied or managed a research project in Poland in the two years prior to the closing of the call. Researchers can apply for project funding ranging between EUR 100,000 to 200,000, which can be used to finance the costs of remuneration for the research team, depreciation or purchase of equipment, materials and services, conference fees and travel expenses, as well as other project-related costs. The maximum indirect costs under the POLS call can account for up to 25% of the funds applied for in the project, including the value of the purchased research equipment, with the exception of subcontracting costs. Research projects may last either 12 or 24 months. In justified cases, the project implementation period may be extended, however no longer than by 30 April 2024. The total call budget is over EUR 7,000,000.

“Managing Threats” IdeaLab workshops (21-25.10.2019)


International law, political economy, transport and mobility, urban studies, psychology, neurobiology, chemistry, public health, future studies are just some of the disciplines represented by the participants of the workshop organised by the National Science Centre between 21 and 25 October 2019 under the IdeaLab call funded from the EEA grants.Read more

GRIEG – announcement of an information chat


On 18 September, NCN staff will be available to answer questions concerning the GRIEG call during an information chat. You can submit your queries between 10am and 12pm. The chat will be held in English and open to researchers from Poland and Norway. In order to log in, you need only provide your name or nickname and e-mail address. The answers to the questions asked during the chat will be published on our website in the section: EEA and Norway Grants.Read more

GRIEG call deadline extended


Proposal submission form in the GRIEG call is now available in the ZSUN/OSF system. The deadline for submitting proposals in the GRIEG call has been extended to 28 October 2019, 24.00 CEST. Read more

IdeaLab – invitation to a workshop and an information chat


We have the pleasure of inviting you to a workshop organised within the framework of the IdeaLab “Managing Threats” call, which is scheduled to take place between 21 and 25 October 2019 near Krakow. The workshop is open to researchers from Poland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland. The objective is to draw up ideas for joint interdisciplinary research projects carried out by partners from Poland, Norway, Iceland or Liechtenstein, the best of which will be eligible for NCN funding. Read more

GRIEG – launch of the proposal form


Because of the complexity of the parallel process of drafting the proposal forms for all NCN calls announced on 17 June, the estimated launch of the GRIEG proposal form in the ZSUN/OSF system will take place in the second half of August. Read more

The GRIEG and IdeaLab information meeting


On 8 July, Kraków hosted an information meeting devoted to the GRIEG and IdeaLab calls announced by the National Science Centre within the framework of the 3rd edition of the EEA and Norway Grants. Read more

Information meeting devoted to the Basic Research Programme within the framework of the 3rd edition of the EEA and Norway Grants


We have the pleasure of inviting you to an information meeting devoted to the GRIEG and IdeaLab calls announced by the National Science Centre on 17 June 2019. The meeting will be held at 11am on Monday, 8 July, at the Polish Academy of Arts and Sciences at ul. Sławkowska 17 in Kraków. It will take around 4 hours, including two 1.5h sessions devoted to both calls, a coffee break in-between and a lunch at the end of the meeting. Read more

Five calls, including two new calls funded from the EEA and Norway Grants


We are proud to announce five new calls, including two (GRIEG and IdeaLab) funded from the EEA and Norway Grants. In addition, we have launched MAESTRO 11SONATA BIS 9 UWERTURA 4. In total, 161 million PLN and nearly 42 million euro are up for grabs for researchers involved in basic research projects. Read more

EUR 129m for researchers in the “Research” Programme under the EEA and Norway Grants


On 7 June, in Warsaw at the Ministry of Investment and Economic Development, an agreement was signed covering the “Research” Programme under the third edition of the Norway and EEA Grants in which the NCN acts as the operator responsible for basic research, while the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) is responsible for the implementation of applied research. Read more

Invitation to register in the EEA and Norway Grants partner database


The official website of the Research Council of Norway (RCN) operates a search engine dedicated to researchers from beneficiary countries supported within the framework of the 3rd edition of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism and the EEA Financial Mechanism (the EEA and Norway Grants). The search engine is designed to facilitate cooperation between potential research project partners. Individual researchers, administrative representatives of research centres, other public institutions, and NGOs, as well as enterprises are invited to register on the website of the RCN. Read more

NCN named as operator of EEA and Norway Grants


On 20th December, Poland signed a memorandum of understanding that will endow it with € 809.3 million under the third edition of Norway Grants and EEA Grants. One of the largest portion of the resources is intended to support research, and the National Science Centre has taken on the responsibility of its execution. Read more