17th JPIAMR transnational call for research projects - AMR Interventions 2024 (IMPACT)

This is a match-making section for 17th JPIAMR transnational call for research projects - AMR Interventions 2024 (IMPACT).

Partners looking for project

No.TypeCountryOrganisationScientific area(s)Submitted
1PartnerMDMoldova State University
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Plants (incl. trees and crops)
Environment (incl. natural and built)
2PartnerCHSwiss Tropical and Public Health Institute
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
3PartnerMKCenter of public Health
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
4PartnerINParul Institute of Public Health, Parul University, Vadodara, India
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Environment (incl. natural and built)
5PartnerUGMakerere University
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Environment (incl. natural and built)
6PartnerITIRCCS Sacro Cuore Don Calabria Hospital, Negrar di Valpolicella, Verona, Italy
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
7PartnerCHPaul Scherrer Institut
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
8PartnerITSapienza University in Rome
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Plants (incl. trees and crops)
9PartnerPLWroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Plants (incl. trees and crops)
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
11PartnerUKUniversity of Portsmouth
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
13PartnerITFondazione Policlinico Gemelli
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
15PartnerILThe Hebrew University
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
16PartnerFRCentre International de Recherche en Infectiologie
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
17PartnerMWMinistry of Health, Malawi
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Plants (incl. trees and crops)
Environment (incl. natural and built)
19PartnerPLWrocław University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Chemistry
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Plants (incl. trees and crops)
Environment (incl. natural and built)
20PartnerDEEuropean Molecular Biology Laboratory
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Plants (incl. trees and crops)
Environment (incl. natural and built)
21PartnerPTDepartment of Bioengineering and iBB - Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
22PartnerUKUniversity of Kent
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
23PartnerLVRigas Stradins University
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Environment (incl. natural and built)
24PartnerINUSMF - Nicolae Testemitanu State University
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Environment (incl. natural and built)
25PartnerUANational University of Life and Environmental Scie
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Environment (incl. natural and built)
26PartnerPLJagiellonian University
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
28PartnerDETechnical University of Munich
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Plants (incl. trees and crops)
Environment (incl. natural and built)
29PartnerETCollege of Medicine and Health Sciences, Hawassa University
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Plants (incl. trees and crops)
Environment (incl. natural and built)
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
Plants (incl. trees and crops)
31PartnerUKBirmingham City University
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Environment (incl. natural and built)
32PartnerUKDe Montfort University
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
33PartnerSEKarolinska Institutet
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
34PartnerKEInternational Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Environment (incl. natural and built)
35PartnerFRnantes university
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
36PartnerFRAnses - Fougeres laboratory
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
37PartnerSEUppsala University
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Environment (incl. natural and built)
38PartnerPLWarsaw University of Technology
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
39PartnerITTranslational Pharmacology of Italian Nation Research Council
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
40PartnerESNano1Health SL
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Environment (incl. natural and built)
41PartnerCHUniversity of Zurich
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
42PartnerMDMoldova State University
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Environment (incl. natural and built)
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Plants (incl. trees and crops)
Environment (incl. natural and built)
44PartnerNONorwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA)
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Environment (incl. natural and built)
45PartnerITUniversity of Padova
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Environment (incl. natural and built)
46PartnerCOClinica IMAT oncomedica auna
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
47PartnerNLHologenomix B.V.
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Plants (incl. trees and crops)
Environment (incl. natural and built)
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Environment (incl. natural and built)
49PartnerESNacional Center for Biotechnology (CNB-CSIC)
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
50PartnerKEKenya Medical Research Institute
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
51PartnerDEUniversity Hospital Bonn, Institute of Hygiene and Public Health
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Environment (incl. natural and built)
52PartnerLBNot applicable
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
53PartnerALAlbanian University
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Plants (incl. trees and crops)
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
55PartnerPLNofer Institute of Occupational Medicine
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Environment (incl. natural and built)
56PartnerSELinköping University
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Plants (incl. trees and crops)
Environment (incl. natural and built)
57PartnerFRRime Bioinformatics
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Plants (incl. trees and crops)
Environment (incl. natural and built)
58PartnerUKNewcastle University
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
59PartnerDEInstitute of Hygiene and Infectious Diseases, Justus Liebig University Giessen
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
61PartnerNLInstitute for the Rational Use of Medicine
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
62PartnerUKUniversity of Surrey, School of Veterinary Medicine
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Environment (incl. natural and built)
63PartnerUKUniversity of Bath
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
64PartnerNLWesterdijk Fungal Biodiversity Institute
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Plants (incl. trees and crops)
Environment (incl. natural and built)
65PartnerMDMoldova State University (Institute of Genetics, Physiology and Plant Protection)
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Plants (incl. trees and crops)
66PartnerSEResearch Institutes of Sweden (RISE)
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Plants (incl. trees and crops)
Environment (incl. natural and built)
67PartnerSEResearch Institutes of Sweden (RISE)
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Plants (incl. trees and crops)
Environment (incl. natural and built)
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
69PartnerESUniversity of Valencia
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
70PartnerIEUniversity College Cork
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
71PartnerETMettu University
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
Plants (incl. trees and crops)
72PartnerKESouth Eastern Kenya University
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Environment (incl. natural and built)
73PartnerMDNational Agency for Public Health
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Environment (incl. natural and built)
74PartnerUKNewcastle Univeristy
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
75PartnerDEFraunhofer IMS
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Plants (incl. trees and crops)
76PartnerPLPoznan University of Life Sciences
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Environment (incl. natural and built)
77PartnerUKUniversity of Portsmouth
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
78PartnerNPAgriculture and Forestry University, Nepal
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Environment (incl. natural and built)
79PartnerDEA1 Chem Innovation GmbH
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
80PartnerUKUniversity of Stirling
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
81PartnerITUniversità Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
82PartnerPTUCIBIO. Faculty of Pharmacy University of Porto
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
83PartnerCAUniversity of Toronto
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
84PartnerTHMahidol-Oxford Tropical Medicine Reserach Unit
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Environment (incl. natural and built)
85PartnerESBarcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal)
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Environment (incl. natural and built)
86PartnerUGFaculty of Medicine,Mbarara University of Science and Technology,Uganda
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
87PartnerNOUniversity of Stavanger
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Environment (incl. natural and built)
88PartnerETDambi Dollo University
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Plants (incl. trees and crops)
Environment (incl. natural and built)
89PartnerLTLithuanian University of Health Sciences
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
90PartnerESMicroviable Therapeutics SL
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
91PartnerESPablo de Olavide University
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
92PartnerAUUniversity and Hospital
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
93PartnerUKHeriot-Watt University
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
Environment (incl. natural and built)
94PartnerILMIGAL Galilee research institute
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
95PartnerNGBayero University Kano
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Plants (incl. trees and crops)
Environment (incl. natural and built)
96PartnerCAWestern University
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Environment (incl. natural and built)
97PartnerUSBroad Institute of MIT and Harvard
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
98PartnerUKLoughborough University
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Plants (incl. trees and crops)
Environment (incl. natural and built)
99PartnerFRLorraine University
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Plants (incl. trees and crops)
Environment (incl. natural and built)
100PartnerZMUniversity of Zambia
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
101PartnerPLMedical University of Gdansk, Poland
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Environment (incl. natural and built)
102PartnerPKUniversity of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore, Pakistan
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
103PartnerIRTorbat Heydariyeh University of Medical Sciences
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Environment (incl. natural and built)
104PartnerHUHungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Institute of Aquaculture and Environmental Safety,
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
105PartnerPKUniversity of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Lahore
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
106PartnerESParc Sanitari Sant Joan de Deu
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
107PartnerPLUniversity of Silesia
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
109PartnerPLMMRI Mosskowski Medical Research Institute
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Plants (incl. trees and crops)
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Plants (incl. trees and crops)
111PartnerITUniversity of Calabria
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
112PartnerPLInstitute of Fundamental Technological Research PAN
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Plants (incl. trees and crops)
113PartnerFRUniversity of Poiters/INSERM
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Plants (incl. trees and crops)
Environment (incl. natural and built)
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Plants (incl. trees and crops)
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
116PartnerINICMR-National Animal Resource Facility for Biomedical research
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
117PartnerKEKenya Institute of Primate Research & Egerton University
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
118PartnerUKUniversity of Leeds
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  • Topic 2: Improve and/or, compare and/or evaluate strategies, technologies, treatments, methods, protocols or data collection based on existing interventions, aiming to prevent or reduce the emergence or spread of antibacterial or antifungal resistance or to treat/cure infections caused by resistant bacteria/fungi and recommend new policies.
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
119PartnerSEUniversity of Gothenburg
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
120PartnerDEFraunhofer ITMP
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  • Topic 1: Design novel or improved interventions to prevent, mitigate and /or treat fungal infections, which are resistant to treatments and/or are at risk of developing resistance
Human Health
Animal Health (incl. wildlife, livestock, acquatic organisms, and companion animals)
Plants (incl. trees and crops)
Environment (incl. natural and built)

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