JPIAMR 14th Call Partner Search Tool

This is a match-making section for JPI AMR 14th Call: Disrupting drug Resistance Using Innovative Design (DRUID).

Partners looking for projects

No.TypeCountryOrganisationScientific area(s)Submitted
1PartnerHUEötvös University
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  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
  • Drug/plant protection agent repurposing
  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines)
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals) Plants (including trees and crops)
2PartnerPLUniversity of Life Sciences in Lublin
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  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
  • Drug/plant protection agent repurposing
  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines)
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
3PartnerHUInstitute for Nuclear Research
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  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health
4PartnerHUBiological Research Centre of Szeged
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  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
5PartnerHUUniversity of Pécs
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  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
6PartnerPLMedical University of Bialystok
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  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health
7PartnerPLUniversity of Silesia of Katowice
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  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines)
Plants (including trees and crops)
8PartnerPLMedical University of Białystok
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  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health
9PartnerPLInstitute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences
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  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health
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  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
11PartnerITUniversity of Milano - Bicocca
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  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health
12PartnerECPublic Ministry of Health
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  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals) Plants (including trees and crops)
13PartnerLVRiga Stradiņš University
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  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health
14PartnerTRAnkara University, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Dept.of Pharmacology and Toxicology
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  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
  • Drug/plant protection agent repurposing
  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines)
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
15PartnerLTState Research Institute Center for Innovative Medicine
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  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines)
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health
16PartnerSEPolymer Factory
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  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health
17PartnerLTLSMU, VA, Large Animal Clinic
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  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
18PartnerEGCentral metallurgical research and development institute
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  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health
19PartnerPLInstitute of High Pressure Physics PAS
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  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
20PartnerILThe Hebrw University of Jerusalem
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  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals) Plants (including trees and crops)
21PartnerESUniversidad San Jorge
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  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines)
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
22PartnerSEUniversity of Gothenburg
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  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals) Plants (including trees and crops)
23PartnerPKNational Agricultural Research Center
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  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines)
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
24PartnerTZST Francis University College of Health and Allied
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  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals) Plants (including trees and crops)
25PartnerPLWarsaw University of Technology
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  • Drug/plant protection agent repurposing
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health
26PartnerUKKeele University
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  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals) Plants (including trees and crops)
27PartnerLTLithuanian University of Health Sciences, Veterinary Academy
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  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
28PartnerNGBayero University Kano
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  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
Human Health
29PartnerAUInstitute for Molecular Bioscience, The University of Queensland
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  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health
30PartnerUKUlster University
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  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals) Plants (including trees and crops)
31PartnerNLUniversity of Groningen
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  • Drug/plant protection agent repurposing
  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines)
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
32PartnerKEKenya Medical Research Institute
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  • Drug/plant protection agent repurposing
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
33PartnerDEFraunhofer IGB
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  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
34PartnerPLJagiellonian University in Kraków
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  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health
35PartnerLVUniversity of Latvia
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  • Drug/plant protection agent repurposing
  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines)
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
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  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
  • Drug/plant protection agent repurposing
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
37PartnerFRInstitut de Chimie et de Biochimie Moléculaires et Supramoléculaires - COSSBA team
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  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health
38PartnerPLPoznan University of Medical Sciences
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  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines)
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
Human Health
39PartnerITUniversity of Milano
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  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health
40PartnerFRUniversité de Paris
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  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines)
Human Health
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  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals) Plants (including trees and crops)
42PartnerESUniversitat de Girona
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  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines)
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
Plants (including trees and crops)
43PartnerPKCOMSATS University Islamabad
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  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines)
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
44PartnerUKUniversity of Birmingham
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  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines)
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
45PartnerLVUniversity of Latvia
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  • Drug/plant protection agent repurposing
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
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  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health
47PartnerEGanimal health research institute
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  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
48PartnerFRUniversity of strasbourg, CNRS
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  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
Human Health
49PartnerFRCNRS UMR7242 Biotechology and Cell Signaling
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  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health
50PartnerUKCardiff University
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  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines)
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
51PartnerFRCentre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) - Centre Interdisciplinaire de Nanoscience de Marseille (CINaM)
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  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals) Plants (including trees and crops)
52PartnerCAUniversity of British Columbia
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  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
  • Drug/plant protection agent repurposing
  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines)
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
Human Health
53PartnerRSBioScope Labs - Faculty of Physical Chemistry - University of Belgrade
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  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
  • Drug/plant protection agent repurposing
  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines)
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals) Plants (including trees and crops)
54PartnerCAUniversity of Toronto
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  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals) Plants (including trees and crops)
55PartnerITIFOM Foundation
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  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals) Plants (including trees and crops)
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  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines)
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
57PartnerUKNewcastle University
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  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines)
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health
58PartnerDEDep. of Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmacy, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation
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  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines)
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
59PartnerPLInstitute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation State Research Institute
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  • Drug/plant protection agent repurposing
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
Plants (including trees and crops)
60PartnerPTInternational Iberian nanotechnology laboratory
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  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines)
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals) Plants (including trees and crops)
61PartnerITIRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino
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  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines)
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
Human Health
62PartnerDEHelmholtz Zentrum Munich
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  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
  • Drug/plant protection agent repurposing
  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines)
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health
63PartnerITIRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino
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  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines)
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
Human Health
64PartnerPLNicolaus Copernicus University in Torun
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  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines)
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
65PartnerUGMakerere University
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  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines)
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
66PartnerITUniversity of Camerino - School of Pharmacy
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  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
  • Drug/plant protection agent repurposing
  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines)
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
67PartnerUGInfectious Diseases Institute
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  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
68PartnerITSapienza University of Rome
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  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines)
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals) Plants (including trees and crops)
69PartnerITFondazione Istituto Insubrico Ricerca per la Vita
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  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health
70PartnerESIMDEA Nanociencia
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  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
71PartnerMDInstitute of Phthisiopneumology
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  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health
72PartnerILBar-Ilan University
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  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health
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  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
74PartnerFRInstitut Pasteur
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  • Drug/plant protection agent repurposing
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
75PartnerUKUniversity of Bristol
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  • Drug/plant protection agent repurposing
  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines)
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
Human Health
76PartnerPLUniversity of Warsaw
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  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
  • Drug/plant protection agent repurposing
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health
77PartnerESUniversity of Cordoba
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  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines)
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
78PartnerETHawassa University
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  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health
79PartnerKEMoi University
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  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health
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  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines)
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals) Plants (including trees and crops)
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  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
  • Drug/plant protection agent repurposing
Plants (including trees and crops)
82PartnerINNitte University Centre for Science Education and Research, Mangalore
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  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
  • Drug/plant protection agent repurposing
  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines)
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
83PartnerFRCentre International de Recherche en Infectiologie, Université CLaude Bernard Lyon 1, Lyon, France
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  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
Human Health
84PartnerLVLatvian Institute of Organic Synthesis
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  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
85PartnerITUniversity of Milan
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  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health
86PartnerPLJan Kochanowski University in Kielce
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  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines)
  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health
87PartnerCHETH Zurich
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  • Improvement of drug/plant protection agent efficacy and/or specificity through chemical modifications (including hit to lead optimisation)
  • Drug/plant protection agent repurposing
  • Optimisation of drug/plant protection agent combinations, alone or with adjunct therapies (including therapeutic vaccines)
Human Health Animal Health (including wild-life, livestock, fishes, and companion animals)
88PartnerUKSchool of Pharmacy, Queen\'s University Belfast
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  • Design and implementation of new strategies (including optimisation of drug doses) for improved application, efficacy and delivery of single or combinations of antimicrobials
  • Design and implementation of innovative tools, including novel chemistry and/or new materials for improved application, efficacy and delivery of antimicrobials
Human Health

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